The muse speaks

Cacao: A Heart-Opening Herb
A Heart-Opening Story From Cacao A Heart-Opening Experience Standing at the mountain base in Peru, I looked up, both excited and questioning "why I do these things to myself?' Intent on...
Heart-Opening: A Radical Act
Heart-opening plant medicine connects you to Nature The truth of being a Radical I've been dying to tell you that you are connected to the Earth already. You are native to this soil called Earth....
Magical Uses of Nettles: A Mystical Herb
Magical uses of Nettles: the herb that guides you into a deep dream state, guardian of the green world, and revered for all time in all parts of the world. Why Use This Common Herb for...
How to Learn the Mysteries of Herbalism
Learning herbalism from the herbs is the way of our ancestors. This is the greatest mystery we are here to uncover -- our deep connection to Nature. What is the Mystery of Herbalism? The mystery...
New Years’ Resolutions Are in the Past, Power Words Are the Future
Power words set you up for success in the upcoming year, while New Year resolutions set you up for failure. You are meant to be here in this world to share something fully significant and...
How Can I Face & Integrate My Shadow Self?
Shadow Self Work: The purpose of integrating your shadow self Facing + Embracing the Shadow Self. How do you describe your shadow self? She. She is wild, creative, and flays about with...
Use this Herb for Anxiety and Integration
Release anxiety, stress, and integrate through December and Conquer the Holiday Season with a Top Herb for Anxiety and Integration What do December, Sagittarius, and Integration have in common? ...
Why is Plant Medicine Integration Essential? Follow Your path!
The Importance of Plant Medicine Ceremony Integration and Integration from Transitions in Life to Improve and Bring Forth Your Wildest Dreams and Imagination. What is integration? My...
Holistic Herbalism Healing Effects | The Power of Herbs & Herbal Medicine
Are your unhealthy body symptoms resurfacing? Are you struggling to heal your body with over the counter medications or prescriptions? Have you ever wondered how the body can heal from the root causes of body imbalance? Herbal medicine can help you identify the root causes of your symptoms and heal from a unified operating system using the power of herbs.
Father Earth
harmonization of soul + purpose What does the role of masculinity mean to you? Are you apart from masculinity?I've spent much time over the decades pondering the difference between masculine +...