Holistic Herbalism Healing Effects vs Modern Medicine

In our current culture, we all wonder, “What is good for this? What is good for that?” By asking these questions, we want to know, “Why do I have this symptom, and how do I make it stop?”


When there are unhealthy symptoms, we are trained by the current medical system to cease a symptomatic response from our body. We also learn that a medication or drug can stop that symptom; I call this modern medicine.


Is it modern medicine or Western Medicine?

Modern medicine is not Western Medicine, because that is in relation to where you stand in the world, and quite frankly, this is a new medical system stemming from a scientific approach of understanding nature and extrapolating components of nature into synthetic drugs.


At times the modern medicine viewpoint believes that they use the only scientific approach necessary to understand the world around us. However, the ancients knew how to observe and focus on their body and environment’s resonance to come to the conclusions that our modern medicine and scientific study are seeing with microscopes, telescopes, and other modern technology.


Modern medicine is critical to our health and has created some incredible life-saving technologies and medication of all time. Yet, this is a medical system that is not perfect; there is a synergy required to approach vital health and wellness.


How is holistic herbalism different from modern medicine?

In holistic herbalism, we take the approach that nature operates on for healing + vitality. We take into account the whole being, the whole essence of your body. Who are you? What are the natural components of your life? Holistic herbalism uses all the systems to compile your constitution and the constitution of each plant.


What is a constitution? You ask

Several herbal lineages have different names for the makeup of your body. You can go off the Ayurvedic system, western herbalism, alchemical, and throw astrology into all of it as well. Not only do these systems categorize us as humans, but the herbs are organized within the energetic structure of herbalism.


So, what is holistic herbalism?

The main point is that holistic herbalism combines multiple thoughts and ideologies into a comprehensive picture of health. The combinations of studies and the essence of ancient descriptions have many similarities that the study of such herbal science can go on for lifetimes.


Holistic herbalists see symptoms as the body communicating the root causes of imbalance in your total system. The entire system consists of body, mind, heart, emotions, psychological, and spiritual.


Therefore, when evaluating the whole person, you are determining what the symptom is sharing rather than treating the symptom. The symptom is giving insight into where to begin to create healing at a root level.


Holistic herbalism views the whole body as a unified operating system rather than compartmentalizing each system and treating them as if they’re separate from the others. This approach lends itself to working with chronic health issues in a way that modern medicine is sometimes unable to rival, figure out, or heal.


I find this true due to the nature of healing something chronic. If it’s a chronic illness, it’s been occurring for such a long time that there is a required lifestyle change. Modern medicine may create a separation of the body’s different parts to treat symptoms from chronic issues. This, in part, is indicative of the modern medicine viewpoint ā€“ Search for the individual breakdown of each operation. Yet, we must remember the whole created by each system and how it is all interconnected.


Are there aspects of holistic herbalism that are harmful to the body?

There can be dangers associated with herbal medicine, but all parts of life contain some element of risk. This is why it’s crucial to work with those who are knowledgeable. I define a knowledgeable person as actively researching, learning, and making it a point to document their experiences as a well-versed person in observing life and healing aspects.


I find one word to be crucial in the study of herbalism, and that is “contraindications.” This word encompasses the areas that an herb might not be safe such as pregnancy and drug interactions.


Which form of herbs is right for my body? Ā 

HerbsHerbs match up like friends, the ones you need for your particular constitution. Knowing your constitution or the symptoms constitution is so vital in holistic herbalism. Itā€™s about learning the constitution of yourself, others, and the herbs

Working in tandem with a holistic herbalist practitioner brings your health to new heights with their combined knowledge and your desire to heal yourself. The two together alchemize to create a process of healing that is vital for your health.

Listen to this podcast I did to learn more about my story with herbs.