How Did I Get Here?

How Did I Get Here?

a personal story about herbalism  Below is a video I recorded about how I got here. How did I become an herbalist? What self-doubts + fears did I overcome? Check it out in the video. If you’re more of a reader, I wrote some words after the video since I...
Grandmother Voice

Grandmother Voice

a dream leading me to Calamus Root   I woke up from a dream yesterday morning y’all. I’ve thought about if I should share or not + maybe not the full thing, but a part of the story. How’s that? Are you ready? I was directed by a...
Life After… Envisioning the Future

Life After… Envisioning the Future

Below is a live video I recorded about my current thought process. I was thinking about what happens after this is over. Will everyone return to their normal consumption of energy? Will we actually allow the earth to continue healing?  I know from my work with...
How + Why Plant Immersions are Important

How + Why Plant Immersions are Important

The journey into herbal education is endless. There is so much to learn it can seem overwhelming if you attempt to learn everything all at once or all the herbs at once. I found that memorization techniques are not the only or even the best way to learn about each...