In-Person Offering

Coming together in community for psychedelic integration & herbalism


6 Class Series

In-Person at the Roundhouse, Tesuque, NM

A Journey for the Experienced Seeker Ready to Embrace the Next Level of Transformation

Are you an experienced seeker on a quest for deeper understanding, healing, and transformation?

Have you journeyed with psychedelics and plant medicine, and now you’re seeking the next level of integration and growth?

Do you crave a community of like-minded individuals who understand the potency of herbalism and plant medicine, and who can support you as you reframe the patterns of your everyday existence?

Welcome to Gnosis: Rhythms of Plant Wisdom

A transformative six-series journey explicitly designed for individuals like you. You’ve experienced the power of transformational work, and you’re ready to take the next step on your journey. You understand the potency of herbalism and plant medicine, and you’re seeking a deeper connection with not only these modalities — but a deeper connection with yourself and your ancestors.


Want to know how I teach?

Check out this replay of Vesta’s guided sound journey for Gnosis and why integration is important for our time. 

Is This Program Right for You? 

Experienced Seeker Ready for the Next Level: You’re an experienced seeker who has journeyed with psychedelics and plant medicine, and you’re ready to embrace the next level of transformation and growth with others who have made their lives a journey. You understand the seeker is not searching; they are learning. 


Stepping Out of the Binary Framework: This program isn’t just about abstract concepts. It’s about stepping out of the binary framework and embracing a quantum perspective that can transform your life. You’ll explore practical applications of quantum jumping, the infinite, timelessness, and how that is related to creating a life that moves beyond duality. 


Community and Support: You value being part of a supportive community that understands your journey and can provide the encouragement and guidance you need as you continue to grow and evolve. Our community is a group of robust seekers who are knowledgeable and want to witness and be witnessed. 


Deep Connection with Herbalism and Plant Medicine: This is a unique opportunity to understand herbalism and plant medicine’s profound healing and transformative potential. If you’re ready to deepen your connection with these modalities, this program is for you.


Reframing Patterns and Embracing Transformation: You’re ready to reframe the patterns of your everyday existence and embrace a new way of being—one that is aligned with your true self and your highest potential. You’re moving beyond breaking yourself and into creation. 


Embrace the Shadow Parts: You’re ready to witness, tend to, and be supported in the parts of yourself that want to give into positivity. You want the tools to move beyond the story of shadows into full acceptance and honoring those unique gifts. 

Workshop Details

Herbal Offering

Each session of our workshop series includes an optional herbal offering. We explore the properties and benefits of a specific plant in-depth, experiencing these powerful herbs through tea or tincture. This enhances your integration process and deepens your connection with plant medicine.


Each session features a unique sound/meditative ritual guided by the herb and the day’s topic. These rituals are designed to deepen your connection to plant medicine, foster mindfulness, and facilitate profound personal insights.

Somatic Practices

Each session includes a somatic practice and breathing practice to embody the topic. 

Community Discussion

The best part is coming together as a community to share wisdom. I am a guide, not the master. Therefore, we are co-creating the learning space together. 

Unique Modules

MODULE 01 – July 18

Decolonizing Your Mind

Elemental Theme: Air

  • Explore the effects of colonization on our perceptions of plant medicines and psychedelics.
  • Reflect on your identity, ancestry, and heritage and their connection to your journey.
  • Cultivate forgiveness and honor the wisdom of your ancestors.
  • Learn to connect with your ancestors and understand their role in psychedelic herbalism.
  • Discuss the importance of acknowledging native lands and respecting indigenous rights to medicines.

MODULE 02 – August 15

Inner Resources

Elemental Theme: Earth

  • Develop self-trust and understand your role in ceremonial spaces.
  • Connect with the Earth through grounding practices and plant meditations.
  • Explore your connection to mystical elements within yourself.
  • Learn to speak to the Earth and recognize its guidance.

MODULE 03 – Sep 12

Igniting Your Inner Fire

Elemental Theme: Fire

  • Understand the alchemical properties of plant medicine.
  • Differentiate between survival and thriving and why both are important for integration.
  • Explore concepts of time and timelessness, including quantum jumping within timelines.
  • Develop tools for navigating group dynamics and ceremonies.

MODULE 04 – Oct 10

Play With Your Shadows

Elemental Theme: Water

  • Explore why integration circles post-ceremony may not be enough and how to deepen your integration process.
  • Discuss the importance of integrity in the psychedelic space and recognizing where it can be lost.
  • Understand that healing in the psychedelic space is not a quick fix.
  • Reconcile aspects of your old life with your new journey.
  • Embrace forgiveness and the integration of both light and shadow aspects of yourself.

MODULE 05 – Nov 7

Root In Your Power

Elemental Theme: Spirit

  • Recognize and break free from societal constraints that suppress your wild, authentic self.
  • Learn to be spiritual while remaining grounded in the Earth, avoiding fear-based spiritual consumerism.
  • Understand concepts like the law of polarity and scarcity and how they relate to personal power.
  • Seek a liminal balance between different aspects of your life.
  • Cultivate self-esteem and trust in yourself, avoiding the pitfalls of giving your power away to external sources.

MODULE 06 – Dec 5


Elemental Theme: Ether

  • Embrace personal autonomy and sovereignty in your healing journey.
  • Maintain a balanced perspective and avoid taking your journey too seriously.
  • Transition from binary thinking to understanding the infinite possibilities within yourself.
  • Explore the concept of the ancient future and how it relates to your journey of self-discovery.



    1 Drop-in workshop – $66

    All (6) workshops $333


    Location: Roundhouse in Tesuque.

    3 Avenue de Melodia, Santa Fe, NM, 87529-8084

    Single Class - Gnosis

    A signup for one class for Gnosis in Tesuque, NM

    Join Today

    The price for membership is $66.00 now.

    Full (6) Class Series - Gnosis

    A signup for all 6 classes for Gnosis in Tesuque, NM

    Join Today

    The price for membership is $333.00 now.

    The journey begins on July 18, 2024

    All classes are from 5:30 to 7:30 pm

    We understand that this journey is a significant investment of your time, energy, and resources. We’re committed to providing you with a truly transformative and life-changing experience. We believe it will pay dividends in your life for years to come.

    If you’re ready to embrace the rhythms of plant wisdom, unveil the alchemical wisdom within yourself, and step into your power, we offer a supportive and nurturing environment that will make you feel safe and nurtured on this journey.

    If you need financial support or have unanswered questions, please consider writing an email to April.


    About April 

    Herbal Workshop with April Rameé of Antler Alchemy

    I utilize a holistic herbal medicine approach to combine spiritual connectivity and clinical practice, offering a cohesive integration of psychedelics and transformative experiences. 

    I’m different than most because I’m a muse. There is life before me and then after. I utilize the messages from Earth to move you forward in your dream life. 

    As a selfish, independent person who transformed that into pioneering others’ growth and independence, my passion is to ignite your inner fire through the sacredness of psychedelic herbalism.