The muse speaks
From the Mixed Up Files of Kick A$$
VULTURES By: April Rameé circa 2006 Warm sun on the skin. Pigments darken as the warmth pours through the body down to the heart. Cool gentle breeze runs through the hair. Releasing a...
Bear Consumes Deer
Hiking in your own neighborhood is possible in DC and I enjoy taking Titus, my dog...Isn't he cute? Here we are in Rock Creek Park today sitting on a log contemplating life 🙂 Off the beaten...
Art & Social Responsibility
Time is art. Your life is art. Are you being responsible? Are you taking the time to share your beauty and...
Back in the Saddle
One year, 11 months, and some odd hours since I last rode a bike in a city (not counting Burning Man). Last time I rode a bike through the streets I was hit by a car, rushed to John's Hopkins...
Mysore Magic
A couple of weeks back I was doing my due diligence and scouring YouTube for yoga videos and I looked at my favorite intermediate Ashatanga primary series video for the umpteenth time. I just...
Sweat of Benevolence
[pullquote position="center"]"Be still and let the higher energies infuse and reorganize you with the supreme benevolence of galactic consciousness. "[/pullquote] Driving into the beautiful woods...
What Would You Do?
New mix from Hugo Zapata and Juan Zapata of Team Zapata. I always enjoy the music they create and wanted to share this fun song for you to dance to 🙂 [soundcloud...
Expression Through Art
“Give your brain as much attention as you do your hair and you’ll be a thousand times better off.” ~Malcom X Barbara Kruger Ai Wei Wei Two amazing artists I saw today at the...
Autumn Metamorphosis
Autumn Metamorphosis by: April Rameé Leaves change and fall Hearts break and split People lose hope As the weather turns from sunshine to rain Those we love break down and die With the...