The muse speaks
Raw Exposure
Movement, flying free, arms wild and in the air. Wings expand in perfect symmetry catching the dance of equilibrium. Stomping the feet, vibrations rise A current of electricity reaching towards...
The Edge
A path emerges, deep jungle. step by step. Each rock fallen into perfect space. Flowers bloom with the scent of danger, love, delicate promises, on the tip of their lips. Trickling water laps...
Mt. Shasta — Halloween Style
Star Date Kin 210 White Lunar Dog I polarize in order to love Stabilizing loyalty I seal the process of heart With the lunar tone of challenge I am guided by the power of spirit...
Lesson of a Solo Wanderer
Lessons on how one shows up in the world. These are what come from days as yesterday. Learning how I react when put into positions different than my desires, although the way is chosen and its...
Divine Masculine – PEX Summer Festival 2015
Every year since 2013 a team of us create a space at PEX Summer Festival where divinity, openness, love, and beauty co-exist. In the past years our altars were dedications to the 4 elements,...
Penetration from Within
Stagnation leads to penetration; of the mind body and soul. Orgasmic findings from deep within have opened my heart and tingled my skin. I urn and long for the touch of mental stimulation...
Ayahuasca – pt. 2
I arrive clean in body and mind, ready to sweat, to cleanse the body from residual toxins. It is different this time, I didn't have months of the Dharma Mittra yoga diet to prep me, I live in DC...
Circe Hoop Video
Abandoning the body to the music, Circle, circle, circle. Round and round until the heart beats to the rhythm of divine spirit. Raw from pain, letting go, and moving in directions unknown....
Conjuring Nature’s Play Mandala
Wow! I am still decompressing, more like integrating, from the amazing 2015 Freeform weekend. The organizers rocked it this year and really put on one of the best events. I am so happy to camp...
420 Spring Poem
Birds sing spring's song of life As the trees kundalini rises manifesting blooming buds. Promising sweet abundant openings. Flowers inoculate the senses. Awakening body chemistry, crystalizing...