by April Rameé | Jul 24, 2015 | Art, Sacred Space
Every year since 2013 a team of us create a space at PEX Summer Festival where divinity, openness, love, and beauty co-exist. In the past years our altars were dedications to the 4 elements, nature, and dream catchers using handmade art, art from the Smithsonian,...
by April Rameé | Jul 7, 2015 | Poetry
Stagnation leads to penetration; of the mind body and soul. Orgasmic findings from deep within have opened my heart and tingled my skin. I urn and long for the touch of mental stimulation Igniting the fire inside that is ready to burn I feel the heat escaping from...
by April Rameé | Jun 23, 2015 | Ceremony
I arrive clean in body and mind, ready to sweat, to cleanse the body from residual toxins. It is different this time, I didn’t have months of the Dharma Mittra yoga diet to prep me, I live in DC which means I pick up on others energy, I deal with more...
by April Rameé | Jun 18, 2015 | Art, Hoop
Abandoning the body to the music, Circle, circle, circle. Round and round until the heart beats to the rhythm of divine spirit. Raw from pain, letting go, and moving in directions unknown. Passionate delivery of the psyche. Deep into your love, I am drowning, I...
by April Rameé | Jun 16, 2015 | Art
Wow! I am still decompressing, more like integrating, from the amazing 2015 Freeform weekend. The organizers rocked it this year and really put on one of the best events. I am so happy to camp with Spirit House and Tea for the second year in a row. Spirit House brings...