Awaken the New Year

Awaken the New Year

Awaken the New Year Disruptive Rituals for Transformation with Plants & Psychedelics The end of one year and the beginning of another is not just a passing of time; it is a portal—a liminal space where intentions carry weight, and the whispers of your subconscious...
Finding Power in Being the Disruptor

Finding Power in Being the Disruptor

How Does Destroying People in Relationships Relate to Business?  Maybe it’s not what you’d expect, but think about it—when you truly disrupt, you shake up patterns that people didn’t even know they were stuck in. And that goes beyond just personal relationships;...
Are You Ready to Dream Big?

Are You Ready to Dream Big?

Embracing Idealism Through Psychedelic Herbalism From formlessness, form emerges Basking in the embrace of the infinite void How does one court the abyss? Whispered scents of the ancient hum through auric layers, While gifted primordial roses taste of timelessness....